About project

BE MUSEUMER elevates professionalism of MUSEUMERS in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. 

Project consortium:
Leader: Georgian Museum Association
NEMO – Network of European Museum Organisations
Academy of Cultural Management (the Netherlands)

The project aims to empower museum professionals (museumers) from the South Caucasus region (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) and to establish an International Training Programme.
Project objectives are achieved based on transnational mobility strategy – to empower emerging museum operators via the intervention of European museum experts.

The three-years International Training Programme is open exclusively for museum staff from the South Caucasus region, but the webinars also are open to the general public.
Within the project, museum professionals will conduct research analysis of museum spaces in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.
The results will be available on this website.

Local and regional partners:

ICOM National Committee in Georgia
Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia
National Agency of Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Adjara
Tbilisi State Academy of Art
LEPL Creative Georgia

Georgian National Museum (18 museums)
Tbilisi Municipal Museums Union (9 museums)
And other 8 museums in Tbilisi and regions.

Private sector: Adjara Group.
ICOM Armenia
ICOM Azerbaijan


Project contact: bemuseumer@gmail.com